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Final Project

For my final project for this year, I decided to go for a primarily audio-based product with some visual aids. My research topic has involved extensive research along with software development over the course of this year. I have found that using visuals has always made my project easier to understand for others. I have attached my project as a video below. I hope you enjoy it.

(Press play button to start and the mute/unmute button is in the bottom right corner)

Assignment 6

For this March Assignment, I decided to make another screen recording video to follow up on the previous one. In this video, however, I begin the explanation of my code. I start by going over the two most major problems I encountered in developing a functioning software: consecutive consonants and Fricative/Plosive consonants. I also discuss exactly how I discovered and implemented the solutions I used to address the observed issues. If you are still confused by the many graphs that pop up in the video, feel free to refer back to the PDF in Assignment 5.

(Press play button to start and the mute/unmute button is in the bottom right corner)

Assignment 5 (Mini-SDA)

For this February Assignment (Mini-SDA), I decided to record a little video (below) in which I show off my code which I have written to demonstrate my learning and act as proof of the ideas I have discussed in other previous Journals and Assignments. I have also attached a PDF that contains still images of the graphs that pop up in the video for which I wrote a brief explanation.

(Press play button to start and the mute/unmute button is in the bottom right corner)

Graph Explanation PDF:

Assignment 4

For this assignment, I decided to create a flowchart of sorts in order to demonstrate how my research and programming are intertwined. Up until this point, I have largely presented both the research and software aspects of my project separately. This particular SDA displays exactly how my research progressed as well as how this progression directly impacted the development of my software which would end up being my product.


I have attached a link that will take you to my flowchart.


Assignment 3

For my third assignment, I decided to create an infographic displaying how my approach differs from previous ones. The image of my infographic shown below can be magnified if you click on it.

Assignment 2

For my second assignment, I decided to write a scholarly paper regarding the logistical approach to my speech recognition software. In my paper, I give a brief overview of general speech recognition and then get into the process by which my program would function. I have attached my paper as a PDF to the right.

Assignment 1

For my first assignment I recorded my Person, Place, Thing as a podcast. The person in my story is my mother, the place is her car, and the thing is the speech recognition software in her car. In this podcast, I also discussed why it is important to address this problem and how it can help us in the future.

Below I have attached the audio for my podcast.

EMCrecording_edit (1).mp3Amol Kumar
00:00 / 04:38


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