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  • Writer's pictureAmol Kumar

May 21st Post

At this point I have settled into the idea of making a primarily audio-based final product. To that end I plan on using a recording software to make it that I have used in the past to record both my previous podcast and my previous videos of my displaying my code. Throughout this year I have made various products designed to make various concepts involved in my project easily understandable to those who obviously haven't researched this issue as much as I have. However, in creating these products I had to consult someone who would represent a member of this audience. This "someone" was my mom and I recently spoke to her again regarding summarizing my work this year in a final product. I told her that I, personally, did not believe that I could produce a visual product that would been any better than an audio-based one. She explained to me that, while a fully fledged animation or video may not be ideal, adding some basic visuals like simple images or slides would help listeners follow along. I think this would also help me to organize my thinking in a coherent progression of thought.

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