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  • Writer's pictureAmol Kumar

March SDA Reflection

For this month's SDA, I decided to create a video from a screen recording of my program. I chose to do this because it would allow me to show what is essentially the proof for all of the concepts I have presented in previous SDAs and Journal posts. This also allowed me to communicate exactly what I have been working on in a way that hopefully makes sense to the viewers. This SDA is different from many of my previous ones in that it begins to move away from the written conceptual explanations towards showing off the intended product. With that said, the "C" I focused on for this assignment was Communication. Through this project I communicated what my end product looks like as well as a couple major challenges that I encountered while developing it. As far as time management goes, I feel like I did fairly well. Being that this SDA was one that I could easily do from home, I was able to get it on my website in time. From this project, I learned that this screen recording video format can be incredibly useful for communicating various other points in the future. I hope that, by showing both my product in action and the code behind it, new questions that I have yet to answer or even ask come to my attention. With that in mind, I want to continue to delve into exactly how my product works going forward with the same hope of stirring up some new thoughts and questions.


  1. Bruguier, A., Peng, F., & Beaufays, F. (2016). Learning Personalized Pronunciations for Contact Name Recognition. Interspeech 2016. doi: 10.21437/interspeech.2016-537.

  2. KONAN, H. , ASSEU, O. , SORO, E. , & GOORE, B. T. (2016). The Phonemes Recognition through Formant Analysis in Vowel-consonant Transition Case in "Baoule" Language of Côte d’Ivoire. American Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 4(2), 29-39.H.

  3. Lv, G., & Zhao, H. (2010). Developments of the Research of the Formant Tracking Algorithm. Computer and Information Science, 3(1). doi: 10.5539/cis.v3n1p68

  4. Reithaug, D. (2007). Orchestrating success in reading. West Vancouver, B.C.: Stirling Head Enterprises.

  5. Deekshitha, G., & Leena, M. (2014, November). Broad Phoneme Classification Using Signal Based Features Retrieved January 5, 2020, from.

  6. G, D., & Mary, L. (2014). Broad Phoneme Classification Using Signal Based Features. International Journal on Soft Computing, 5(3), 01-11. doi:10.5121/ijsc.2014.530

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