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  • Writer's pictureAmol Kumar

Person, Place, Thing Reflection

The above image is is the Person, Place, Thing rubric which I have used to grade my own project. My project was a podcast in which I told a story about my mom's struggle in using the hands-free calling system in her car. Starting with the first item on the rubric, I felt that my telling of this story had a coherent sequence and was worked quite well with my sequence of thinking throughout the rest of the podcast. I also feel that the story met the description of the assignment with the person being my mom, the place being her car, and the thing being her hands-free calling system. However, even though I think I told the story coherently, I believe that it wouldn't properly hook the audience listening to my telling of it. For this reason, I gave myself an "I think I nailed it" in the second category. I do feel that the story I chose is both relatable and connected to the theme of the rest of the podcast. My story dealt with a seemingly ordinary struggle with modern technology and with speech recognition technology which I mentioned to be fairly prevalent today. I thought that it would be likely that the audience could connect to the story based off of their own interactions with speech recognition which may have even been the same as my mom's. For these reasons I gave myself an "Exceeds Expectations" for the third category. Seeing as the only person I consulted for feedback was my mom, I only gave myself an "I think I nailed it" for that category. Overall, I think that there are certainly some things I can improve upon in the future, but I feel as though this podcast was a good start.

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